Been Too Long, Fintech Friends!
First off, episode fifty is out! We featured the great and powerful Riddhiman Das, CEO at TripleBlind.
TripleBlind is Enterprise Data Privacy as a Service. Ya know, EDPaS. Coining acronyms out here!
Here are the Spotify + Apple links 🎙️
Lindsay Davis (Head of Markets @ Atomic) has continued to join us to unpack the fintech news de jour.
Here’s what you’ve missed since our last email:
News(ish) #7: Franklyn Chien, CEO @ PrizePool - Prize Linked Savings
News(ish) #6: Welcome Tech + Atomic Partnership with Amir Hemmat, CEO @ Welcome Tech
You can find out more about Amir @ Welcome Tech here + more about Franklyn Chien @ PrizePool here.
Episode #50 of For Fintech’s Sake is brought to you by V-Sum ((V)alue – (Sum)mit).
V-Sum is a virtual conference exploring the value stack of the internet through live technology briefings and moderated spirited, small group discussions.
There is no cost to attend v-sum events, although they are exclusive and capped at 100 participants. They are designed for people who want to stay informed on cutting edge financial technology. All communication and scheduling is done personally and privately through e-mail. And the format is simple. If you’d like to attend v-sum events in the future, you can apply here.
Until next time,
Zach Anderson Pettet